Custom «Systems Support and Treatment Integrity» Essay Paper
Systems support is the continued provision of material and services necessary for the improvement and use of a system in the course if its lifecycle. Treatment integrity refers to the state of implementing a program as intended in order to evaluate it properly. Applied behavior analysis is a science that supports the application of modern behavioral learning theory to alter behaviors (Lavie & Sturmey, 2002). According to Lavie & Sturmey (2002), behavior analysts focus on the use of observable relationship of behavior rather than the use of hypothetical concepts to the environment. This discussion will consider the role systems support and treatment integrity in applied behaviors analysis, as well as training and procedural integrity.
Applied behavior analysis finds systems support important because of a good system for altering individual behaviors. This is because systems support ensures continued provision of materials and services for a better system. Treatment integrity ensures proper evaluation of a program, thus benefiting applied behavior analysis, which depends on the program for behavior change. Therefore, applied behavior analysis has a close relationship both to systems support and treatment integrity because the two are significant in improving the required program (Lavie & Sturmey, 2002).
It is important to give a thorough training to the staff to ensure that they effectively implement assessment process (Wallace & Doney, 2004). Assessing the procedural integrity of assessment procedures is very crucial because it ensures that independent variables undergo implementation according to the written procedures. Procedural integrity refers to the extent that the independent variables undergo a precise implementation as the written procedures. High levels of integrity result from accurately and clearly written procedures. Procedural integrity depends on training because the staff that has undergone a thorough training will ensure accurate implementation of a program according to the written procedures (Wallace & Doney, 2004). Training takes place before the actual implementation of a program. The non-specialist staff finds training as very crucial.
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