Custom «North Carolina Colleges» Essay Paper
North Carolina minority male mentoring program is a program designed to support the ambitions of minority male in North Carolina colleges. It supports the minority individuals who include blacks, Alaskan natives, Hispanic, American Indians, Mexican, Cuban and any other group labeled as a minority group to help them achieve educational and professional ambitions. So as to reach out to its target group most effectively, the program coordinators must identify the individuals it wants to reach and design methods to effectively mentor them.
The mentoring program wants to reach the minority males in North Carolina. The first step is to find out the population of minority males in the geographical area. It should first identify the exact population of the minority groups in the area it wants to cover and then survey them to find out how many require their assistance and how best they can change them through their programs. The aim of the mentoring program is to promote educational and professional opportunities for the minority groups. Its target group should, therefore, be males in minority groups between the age of 18 and 49.
After identifying the exact number of male minority individuals, the next step is designing programs that will best promote the ambitions and dreams. The organization can identify the needs of their target groups through sampling techniques such as interviews and questionnaires. The program should identify the needs of their target groups. The needs of most minority groups in North Carolina are mostly financial constraints, low self esteem, drug and substance abuse, and lack of access to facilities and infrastructure.
To get access to this information, the mentoring program can carry a census needs assessment of the whole target population, or it can pick a representative sample. Sampling will be cheaper compared to a census, considering the meager resources of the program. They will administer questionnaires to the sample touching on the critical areas. The questionnaires will attempt to collect information that will design programs that best suit its target population. The questions in the questionnaire could touch on their needs and how best they can be helped to achieve their educational and professional ambitions.
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The mentoring program must portray an image of a program that aims at supporting the minority groups in achievement of their educational and professional goals. The program can best attain this image by reaching out to the target population with success stories of people who have successfully used the program. Through these success stories and by disseminating of information to the target population, they will be able to achieve its mandate.
The next step is to identify a strategy that can best reach the target population. They will identify the geographical areas that the minority groups live. The community colleges can be used to reach out to the population; for example, the colleges that the program uses to reach out to the target individuals are Durham, Mitchell, Johnston, and many others that are within the state. The colleges are to provide mentoring programmes to the students within the campuses and also within the community around it.
The program can also identify the geographical locations of the target individuals. They can use available data, such as the 2010 United States national census, to source their information. The census results revealed that there were 2,048,648 blacks, 800,081 Latinos, 120,678 Alaskans and other minority groups in North Carolina. They can use this information to design a program to reach their target population. They can also use functions such as social events to best pass the information to the intended groups.
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The colleges which help to run the program should put in place the following strategies to ensure the success of the program. First, they should form partnerships with the local community based colleges to help them identify targeted individuals for the program. They should also improve the college experiences of those who join the program and the general student population. Through improving the college experiences, they will be able to attract new entrants into the program. Another step is to improve the monitoring of the program. They should design the program well to ensure that the participants of the mentoring program get the best out of it.
The program should estimate the cost of reaching out to the community since it runs on meager donations from state offices. The methods used to reach out to the targeted individuals should be within the budget, but it should also attain its objective. The methods which the program can use to reach out to its target population are: establishing mentoring offices in the residential areas of the minority groups, initiating sensitization campaigns as well as partnerships with community colleges and institutions in areas where the marginalized communities live.
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The program will strive to maintain a high standard, as other potential targets may be unwilling to join if they find no reason to do so. They will employ qualified individuals to ensure the success of the program. They will pass the success stories to the communities at large to maintain their reputation.
Lastly, the program will carry out an analysis of the process in the organization. It will carry out an analysis on areas from the strategies put in place to identify potential individuals for the program as well as the participation, graduation and satisfaction rates. It will identify the individual minority groups that are most receptive to the program and ways in which they can improve the experience for them. They will also identify those individuals who have been unresponsive to the program and adjust the system to accommodate them. Continuous monitoring and improvement in policy and procedure is crucial.
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