Custom «Learning Curves» Essay Paper
Nowadays some people decide not to get higher education, finding such excuses as high unemployment rates and low salaries. However, studying is as significant as it was several decades ago. Hence, uneducated people will probably regret not getting a degree. The older a person gets, the harder it becomes to memorize much information. Thus, it is advisable not to delay studying. Although life circumstances are not always favoring for studying, there are such factors as parenting, socioeconomics, and technology that contribute to the enhancement of students’ learning process, and a person should take advantage of them.
Parents influence their child's learning process. First of all, parents are the closest people for a child. Thus, a child often copies the behavior of parents. To exert a strong impact on child’s willingness to study, parents should set a good example. For instance, they may show their child that even though they are grown-up, they still want to learn something new about the world. They may watch interesting documentaries and read scientific journals. In this case, the child will realize that it is never late to learn something. Parents should also teach their child how to be fond of studying. Undoubtedly, it is not easy, and somebody may argue that it is teachers’ but not parents’ task. However, it will be easier for teachers not to start from the very beginning. Parents should turn studying into a play, and the child will be more interested in this activity. It is more than significant for parents not to push their child hard. All parents would like their offspring to become the best and the smartest. To achieve it, they often start to deprive a child of childhood and make him or her study hard instead of playing or going for a walk. People observe that the result is quite the contrary: the child will start hating the studying process. Instead of pushing hard, parents should explain that learning is significant. They should not underestimate the child. When it comes time to choose a future career, parents should let their child make a decision. They should not interfere into this process because, at that age, the offspring should realize that it is his or her life, and it is time to know how to live it. Parents should understand that if they make this choice, then it is doubtful that the child will like the future occupation or even manage to obtain a degree. Another way for parents to facilitate the child’s learning process is to remain understanding. If a child loves studying, parents should not overload him or her with household duties. If a child starts to wash the dishes instead of writing a report, then it will probably have a negative effect on his or her studying process. Parents should realize that a day is limited, and their child does not have time for accomplishing all the tasks.
Technology also positively influences a student’s learning process. Firstly, technologies save much time. Nowadays, few students think that their lives are easy. However, they do not even imagine the way they would perform if there were no technologies. If the Internet did not exist, a student would have to spend hours sitting in libraries and looking for the necessary information. It is observed that students do not often visit libraries anymore. Instead, they use the Internet. Secondly, technological development allows a student to receive more information. The existence of large databases and online libraries allows learners to gain as much knowledge as they wish. Technologies let people get familiar with and analyze different views. The usage of technologies is also beneficial because it makes it possible for instructors to check students’ papers for plagiarism. Without doubt, an instructor is not able to know everything in the world, so the absence of technologies would create many opportunities for students to cheat. Lastly, technologies make a studying process more engaging. Technologies allow instructors to diversify assignments that they give to students. For example, a professor may ask students to make a PowerPoint presentation. Thus, the task will be interesting and creative, not a boring one.
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Socioeconomics impacts on the learning process in a good way as well. Nowadays, a person who has a degree is more likely to find a job with a high salary. Companies that hire people take into account their education because it ensures that a person has certain basic skills, required knowledge, and some experience. Thus, the possibility to receive good money after graduation inspires students to study harder. Fortunately, there is a variety of job opportunities due to the existence of the market economy. It makes a student feel confident that he or she will have a chance to send resumes to other companies in case one of them disagrees to hire him or her. It is observed that a student studies better if he or she realizes that companies require different specialists to work for them. Therefore, their profession will certainly be useful in the future. Moreover, the possibility of further development also encourages students to learn more while studying. In case an individual does not have a degree, he or she realizes that it is almost impossible to become a manager of a restaurant after working as a waitperson for two years. Socioeconomics opens more doors for a person. This way, students know that they may climb the career ladder.
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To sum up, parents, technology, and socioeconomics have a positive impact on students’ learning process. All factors under consideration create a positive environment for a person to develop and gain much information. They also make a person sure about the reasons to study and possible outcomes of this difficult and time-consuming process.
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