Custom «Five Theme of Geography» Essay Paper
Geography is an interesting subject, but sometimes, the teachers may fail to express the point correctly, hence misleading the students. Teachers in Texas should employ the data presented in Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) to ensure that they give all the relevant information to the students. In geography, a teacher should be able to discuss the five themes to ensure that the students receive the necessary information. These include location, place, human-environment interactions, movement, and region (Davis, Ochman, Boehmer, McLarty, & Ojo, 1992). Location can be either absolute or relative. Place is concerned with human and physical characteristics of a location. Human-environment interaction relates to ways in which humans adapt to and modify the environment. Movement theme relates to traveling of goods, ideas, resources, and information from one place to another. Regions are subdivisions of the world (Davis et al, 1992).
Different events and people are included in the TEKS that helps the students to understand the subject of geography. Aristotle is one of the philosophers quoted by Davis in his book Don’t Know Much about Geography. Aristotle was one of the great philosophers who relied on simplified reasoning. He thought that the closer to the equator, the hotter the temperature. His argument was based on the black skin of the Libyans, which made him believe that the black skin was as a result of being scorched by the sun. He believed that life on the equator was unbearable due to excessive temperature. Aristotle also believed in the natural balance that made the continents in the south of the equator equal to those in the north. He introduced the concept of the anti-poles, which lasted from his times till the voyages of Captain Cook in mid-eighteenth century.
Aristotle’s philosophy is presented on the TEKS. However, the students need to get more information on this philosophy because it formed the basis of the geography history. Students should get more information about Aristotle’s contribution to the division of science into theoretical, practical, and productive group views, which is fundamental in understanding the geographical science. More emphasis should be put on Aristotle’s argument about the shape of the earth.
TEKS should explain Aristotle’s observation. He observed that the shadow cast by Earth on the Moon during an eclipse is an arc. He also observed that the phases of the Moon and its appearance during eclipses are spherical, which led to the suggestion that the Earth might also be spherical (Seroglou & Koumaras, 2001). The appearance of the stars as a person moves towards North or South and the falling away of the horizon when a person approaches is another indicator that the Earth is spherical. The things fall to the Earth in a way that appears to be close to the surface. It is the spherical shape that facilitates this as the sphere is the only shape that has the smallest surface in consideration of a given volume. Aristotle argued that the Earth is the center of the universe since all things move around it or fall towards its center (Seroglou & Koumaras, 2001).
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Aristotle’s philosophy deserves the status given by the TEKS he it gave the idea of the shape of the Earth, which is now known for sure to be a sphere. Although Aristotle’s philosophy was developed in 384 BC, his observation has been approved by other philosophers that came after him. His philosophy marked the beginning of determining the shape of the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun. For this reason, it is essential to emphasize the contribution made by Aristotle to defining the shape of the Earth.
Much information should be included in the TEKS concerning how Aristotle based his argument on logics. Although he was trying to be logical, he argued that the logic is just a dialect; hence, the study of reasoning should be analytical. The modern scientists use most of mathematical models and abstracts developed by Aristotle. There are many people who apply these theories and equations without understanding how they were developed. Although most of the natural events were associated with actions of gods, Aristotle and other ancient philosophers were not sure about the role of gods. There was controversy about who causes particular event if not gods with most philosophers trying to explain those occurrences through the application of mathematical and philosophical principles. Aristotle, being unsatisfied with such arguments, offered a suggestion that such occurrences were found within nature (Seroglou & Koumaras, 2001). He argued that nature was available within nature, which was possible to reveal through inductive reasoning and careful observation. This kind of thinking and reasoning is essential in teaching students to enable them to exercise their thinking capacity.
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Davis depicts Aristotle as one of the key contributors to the evolution of physical geography. He explained how Aristotle agreed with Plato’s argument that the Earth is a sphere by moving from philosophic reasoning to providing observable evidence. However, Davis explained how Aristotle failed in fairly simplistic reasoning by arguing that the closer to the equator, the hotter the temperatures. Again, Davis showed how Aristotle explained the theory of natural balance.
I agree with the way Davis portrayed Aristotle as a great contributor to the modern geography. It is due to his argument that the current maps are drawn the way they are, and time is also determined. However, Davis did not give details about Aristotle’s argument and other ancient philosophers in his book. Davis only pointed that Aristotle had given evidence about the shape of the Earth by observing the shadow cast during the solar eclipse, but he did not explain how this information is applied in modern-day science. I believe much more information should be included in the book to ensure that the students understand the depth of Aristotle’s philosophy.
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