There are many different ways that you can structure a character analysis essay. Depending on the subject of the essay, you can decide which format is the best way to write. When working on a character analysis essay, the most successful method of writing is in a narrative tone. If there is a comparison to be done then a compare and contrast format will be the most effective. When writing an essay about a famous character, you must make sure to do sufficient research from authentic and credible sources. If you do not use correct statements from factual information then your essay will be unprofessional and highly improbable.


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Instructions for Writing a Character Analysis Essay

  • Decide which character you want to use. Begin by explaining who the character is and introducing them to the reader. Describe your reasons for writing about your chosen character and set the tone of the essay.
  • The character that you choose to write about in your character analysis essay will be either the catalyst, supporting player, protagonist or antagonist. You must explain which role your chosen character plays, and construe exactly why the writer has chosen to include them in the play. A catalyst character for example has the sole purpose of influencing the main characters.
  • Before starting to write the character analysis essay, write down all of the positive and negative traits that your chosen character has. All dynamic characters have different elements to them.Heroes often have flaws to increase the depth of the text.
  • The next part of the character analysis essay should tell the reader what the point of the chosen character is in the play. Describe what their quest is and what effects are created by their presence. The main reasons that you will find for a character's quest in literature and theatre is for revenge, reward, escape or a mixture of them all. Explain to the reader why this quest is relevant to the rest of the play and to surrounding characters.
  • For the best scores in a character analysis essay, include analysis of the subtext (the meaning behind the text). This shows that you have insight into the real concepts that are behind the character. Make sure however to give credible examples to prove your statements.

Symbolism is a crucial part of analyzing a character. Symbolism could be through objects, related characters or settings. Conclude the character analysis essay by discussing how the quest is fulfilled (or not). Analyse how the character has changed from the beginning to the end of the play and how they grew and developed. You can mention your personal opinions of the character such as whether you connected to them and what you liked or disliked about them.

Be careful not to regurgitate the whole plot of the play. Go into specific details and choose which parts of the play are the most relevant to showcase your character's qualities. Go into the details as to why events occured in direct relation to your character.

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