Everyone knows the incredible reputation of Harvard University. As a private university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard has the biggest financial endowment of any educational institution in the world. This is mainly due to it's ranking as the best University in the world.

How to Write the Best Harvard Essay

Harvard is the oldest educational institution in America and since it's opening in 1636, it has seen many famous faces emerge from it's doors. Presidents Barack Obama, John F. Kennedy and Theodore Roosevelt are but to name a few. Authors such as Ralph Waldo have also obtained a Harvard degree. Many other famous artists, musicians, directors and scientists have also started off their lives at the elite establishment.


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As you may imagine, Harvard is extremely tough to get into. For the class of 2014 only 6.9% of the applicants were accepted which is lower than ever before. The class of 2011 only saw 9% of the applicants accepted.

With so much competition to get a place at Harvard, the University often requests an admission essay from potential candidates to show their passion, commitment and intelligence. To make your essay stand out from the thousands of others is very difficult and particularly if this is the first admissions essay that you have ever written.

As daunting as writing a Harvard essay may seem, there are tips that can help you in the right direction.

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The Harvard Website

The Harvard website gives clear and precise instructions of what they expect from students in their Harvard essay. Some examples that they give include:

  • When writing the introduction, make sure to inform the reader of the central issue within the topic. Explain what questions you will be raising in the Harvard essay and what issues you will be tackling.
  • Round up the essay by linking the last concluding paragraph with the first introductory paragraph. This could be done by rewriting a phrase, idea or question that you used at the start.
  • In your Harvard essay you must make sure to reference any citations following the Harvard rules. These rules state that you must write the author's last name and the year of publication whilst also putting a clear reference list at the end. The reference list must be carefully organized into alphabetical order.

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You can find example Harvard essays online to take ideas from. You can see what style of writing is preferred as well as finding out what topic ideas are the most successful. Look at as many samples as you can to get ideas and inspiration. If you need help with writing your Harvard essay, then you can buy a custom written essay from MarvelousEssays.com. Our top quality writers will be able to provide you with a cheap, academic article in no time. All essays are completely original and our service is the best around.

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