Ethics are are part of every culture, business and religion. Since the creation of television and the eruption of media such as magazines and the Internet, media ethics has become another controversial subject of interest. Media ethics refers to anything from film and theatre to radio and newspapers.

Writing an Ethics Essay

Whatever subject you choose for your ethics essay, you must include current media examples to make it factual and relevant.


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Our Advice

Before you even begin your ethics essay choose which side of the arguement you are going to take. Are you in support of the media or against it? To form a strong arguement against the media, the following points are useful:

Point 1:

Personal encounters:

You may think that the media simply concerns celebrities however if someone that you know or you personally has been affected by the media then add this into your ethics essay.

Point 2:

Famous ethical disputes in the media:

You can add cases of different figures from different eras where you believe that they were treated unjustly and unethically by the media. One example could be the case of Jon Ramsay:

Jon Benet Ramsay was a 6 year old girl who won a beauty pageant in America. She was later found murdered in her basement. Rather than the tragic death itself, the media focused on the wealth of her parents and the way that the police dealt with the case. The way that the media handled the murder of Jon Ramsay was put under a lot of scrutiny, and there are many sources to find more information online.

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Point 3:

Write about some cases where the mass media has gone against ethical standards.

One case that you could include is of Black and Barney where they filed a case against the media code of ethics. This 1985 case raised many questions about how news was reported. The ethical standards that were challenged do not fit with the unregulated press that is proposed in the first amendment. You can find more information online about the subject.

Point 4:

Write about the media's negligence in famous figures.

Your essay will be more convincing if you include the views of familiar and respected figures. This will make your argument more persuasive to the reader.

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