Writing an adolescence essay isnot a simple task. Creating a written paper with your ideas requires some time. But choosing the right topic is just half of the process, starting is the hardest part.

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Great Hints on Adolescence Essay Writing

If you wish to start on your own, here are some useful tips.

Below you will find 5 different options to begin a good adolescent essay:

1) Begin your essay with an enticing opening statement

Every essay writer knows that a good opening quote is the key to grab the readers´ attention and encourage them to keep reading. The easiest way to do this is to type in “famous quotes on adolescence” on any web browser and you will have plenty to choose from.

Some good examples may be...

“How beautiful is youth! How bright it gleams with its illusions, aspirations, dreams!”

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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2) Use your personal experiences to write a creative start

Think of a particular anecdote from your adolescence or make up an interesting one that can relate to your adolescence essay topic.

For instance,

“I remember being very stubborn during my adolescent years...”

3) Include an interesting fact or statistic that relates to the topic of your adolescent essay. Make sure to include these facts in the introduction, since recent news bits and statistics are great ways of grabbing the readers´ immediate attention.

For instance,
“Approximately 4.4 million adolescents suffer from ADHD, reported the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)”

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4) Start your adolescence essay with a question.

Address the topic that will be covered.

For instance,

“Most adolescents are rebellious and careless; is this a genetic trait or does it depend entirely on education?”

“How do you know if your teenager suffers fro bulimia?”

“Many adolescents develop early phases of depression, but what are the signs a parent should be weary of?”

5) If you cant seem to come up with anything original, write a brief introduction summary as an opening for your essay.

Open your adolescent essay with a brief and to-the-point summary that will be further explained throughout your essay.

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