Abortion is a very controversial topic. It is defined as the termination of pregnancy by the removal of a embryo or fetus. Arguments for and against this act can be clearly expressed in an abortion essay. People that are against abortion due to either political or religious reasons are termed Pro-life advocates. Contrarily, Pro-choice supporters are in favor of this procedure. The writer of an abortion essay will argument his point in an attempt to convince the audience of his or her ideas in regard to abortions. Abortion being a contended issue, writers opt for an essay as the best platform for discussion, this being a short composition that focuses on a specific topic in a brief and concise manner.

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There are two types of abortion essays, those in favor and those against.

When an abortion essay condemns abortions it is composed of specific facts and arguments that go against the act. In this type of essay, the writer´s goal is to persuade its readers to support his or her views and opinions. Supporters of the Pro-life viewpoint claim that an embryo or fetus is a living being that must not be removed, since this is the same as ending a human life. Pro-life writers will argument their abortion essays by stating that every living being has the right to life and should not be terminated.

On the contrary, Pro-choice abortion essays advocate in favor of abortion claiming that every woman is entitled to total control over her body. Here the author will try to influence readers in believing that abortion is a valid choice for women.

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There are also abortion essays with a neutral viewpoint. The writer must create this essay in an unbiased manner and expose the two arguments equally. Contrary to persuading, the goal of these essays is to state general facts on the topic of abortion, in order for readers to decide for themselves.

Abortion essays address a reader´s emotions. With the right choice of words and proper tone, a writer has the power to affect a reader´s opinion. Other factors that strongly influence the interpretation of the essay are style, content, and grammar. For example, a writer should support his arguments with solid facts instead of personal experiences. This gives the audience confidence in the validity of your arguments. Abortion essays differ from other papers since writers must back up their arguments by presenting reasons and exposing their ideas.

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