Custom «Emergency Management» Essay Paper
Emergency management is a process of planning of measures to deal with disasters and decrease the likelihood of hazards. It includes the wide list of tasks and activities. It is also interconnected with many public issues and processes. The paper seeks to explain the relation of emergency management with such subjects as public health, mass relocation, response planning, recovery and reconstruction, table top exercise design, organizations and networking and agency planning for catastrophes and evaluates their aspects.
Public Health
Public health initiatives are directed at improving the living conditions for people, as well as taking greater control of the potential threats to human health. Primary prevention is the key to public health tasks, which implies ensuring that the harms and risks are reduced or alleviated to prevent any damage to human health (Thomas, 2007). Such activities are similar to those performed in the context of emergency management because such agencies are also working on reducing risks and hazards that pose threat to human health and life.
Vaccination is one of the examples of primary intervention because it prevents disease occurrence in case of exposure of different illnesses. The second stage of actions refers to reducing the harm that occurs in case the malady spreads among the population. In public health, there are disease control and epidemiological tools, which seek to decrease the proliferation of epidemic. In the context of emergency management, the disease control could be carried out through mitigation and response mechanisms. The concept of tertiary perception in public health refers to the individuals who have been either infect or injured. Similar activities are also determined in emergency management plans through recovery and rehabilitation schemes (Thomas, 2007). In case of emergency management and response, health care practitioners will be engaged into rehabilitation and recovery programs. In general, like public health activities, emergency management programs are focused on the analysis of causal relationship to establish the reasons and underpinnings of the emergence of a specific problem. Emergency managers resort to specific intervention that would change the course of events and prevent or reduce the harm. Both public health employees and emergency managers should also evaluate the effectiveness of these measures to make corresponding corrections in the future, as well as predict problems and challenges to be addressed.
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Mass Relocation
The process of mass relocation implies the transfer of a large group of people from one location to another for political, cultural, or social reasons. The relocation depends on many reasons, such as forced migration of an ethic group, which is ratified by an international authority, or forced movement of a specific population which is affected by social circumstances, such as poverty, loss of property, and many other impacts. In case, the reason for mass relocation is associated with environmental conditions or natural disaster, mass relocation is a part of an emergency management program. According to Oliver (2010), “mass relocation, also frequently referred to as forced migration or involuntary displacement and resettlement, refers to the uprooting of large number of people from their home locations” (p. 198). There are many reasons and methods for relocating people, but the task of the emergency manager is to recognize the future potential of these displacements, as well as the consequences of migration for the economic and social stability of the region from which the people were transferred. The occurrence of disasters, conflicts, catastrophes can destroy communities, making them move far away from their homes and jobs. As a result, mass relocations might involve unexpected events that require the first stage of emergency management strategies, including the development of temporary shelters and mass evaluation process. Mass relocations are also associated with the resettlement of politicians who require refugees status.
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Mass relocation causes a serious harm to the economy of the country because the places from which people move are deprived of economic stability. The production ceases and the income rate of the region decreases. Such a situation can be followed by inflation and economic crisis. In order to minimize the impact of these mass relocations, the government should possess reserve funding to be able to deal with such situations and predict critical circumstances during which emergency management plans are implemented.
Response Planning
Response planning is a mechanism that ensures immediate reaction to the contingencies that can reduce and minimize the harm to the region and population. Response operations are vital and they should be carried out in a timely manner to prevent any further complication of a critical situation. In emergency plans, response initiatives are directed at taking measures on utilizing the consequences of natural disasters or terrorist attacks. Response planning, therefore, could be of different nature. For instance, in case of natural disaster, response planning will involve resource control and management, fund raising, and engagement of the corresponding agencies that should respond to humanitarian crisis and provide support. In particular, there are response teams which analyze humanitarian needs and provide guidance and tools for addressing the crisis.
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Strategic response also refers to the provision and processing of evidence and analysis of spreading of the crisis. Such plans are based on management tools that coordinate actions and communicate the scope and purpose of the response to an emergency situation. The resource mobilization is also among the main approaches to reducing the consequences of the emergency. It is managed by the financial tracking service that meets humanitarian needs and is reimbursed by international funds. The major executors of the resource monitoring contribute to transparency and accountability of the entire response planning mechanism. A response plan embraces multiple dimensions and introduces many spheres of influence. Therefore, it is an inherent component of emergency planning because it involves efficient managers that contribute to the strategic objectives of the entire plan. Therefore, the response planning is premised on good aspects and does not imply the necessity of introducing any changes. More important, it defines the effectiveness of emergency management and quality of reaction to a natural disaster or any other contingency.
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Recovery and Reconstruction
Recovery and reconstruction process is a crucial part of the entire emergency management procedures. It highlights the importance of immediate actions and measures that have to be taken for restoring the region and returning the communities affected by disaster to their normal lives. Recovery and reconstruction implies the allocation of human resources and financial support for managing difficult cases. Recovery stage includes consideration of post-disaster activities which are aimed both at reducing the damages and alleviating the consequences of disaster. The reconstruction activities are determined by the degree of urgency caused by a catastrophe (Amaratunga & Haigh, 2011). It identifies the schedule and location of reconstruction projects which could not be implemented in economical manner. In the context of emergency management, the attention should be given to the quality control which is prioritized because of the necessity to restore the region and enhance the security and welfare of the population in case of future disasters and contingencies.
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The recovery and reconstruction phase should be implemented as quickly as possible because it can further influence the economic and social situation in region. There are, certainly, challenges and risks associated with the reconstruction phase, which relate directly to the governmental support, and the ability of the country to ensure the financial maintanance of the reconstruction phase. At the same time, the speedy construction can only be possible when efficient plan is introduced through competitive bidding and adherence to labor standards. In response to the challenge, the government should always be ready to delivering the resources and workforce for reducing the consequences of disaster and reconstructing the region. The population should also be ensured with the shelter and resources for existence. In this situation, the strategy will introduce additional advantages for competitive pricing. The financial allocation is important because faster implementation could be more effective for the government.
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Table Top Exercise Design
The government and the emergency agencies should be ready to coping with contingencies and natural disasters. In this respect, table top exercise is a sort of training for managers to predict future gaps and train personnel how to act in critical situations. Table top exercise design should involve all potential problems and challenges that could occur during emergency situations (Jones, Kowalk, Miller, & Tarrant, 2000). It should be constantly upgraded and advanced with regard to the emerging problems and gaps in real-life situations. A professional exercise design team should fulfil all exercises simulating to real situation. The team should be composed of representatives of different departments. In such a way, it is possible to create a more realistic environment and focus on different issues. Due to the fact that exercises design takes much time, they should take no more than forty hours. The less time it requires the more effective it will be. In order to increase the effectiveness of exercises, they should be evaluated properly for the overall success and potential pitfalls. Each participant should understand the role he/she plays in training. The scenario should motivate teammates to involve into all procedures. In case participants are not assigned with active roles, there are not asked to give specific time for a task.
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It is highly important for the exercises to be realistic in terms of policies, procedures and protocols; otherwise, they will not be productive. The scenario should also motivate all people to be engaged in dialogues and interactions. The development of table top exercises is essential for managing emergencies because it increases the prediction of problems and challenges that might occur. Moreover, it can also reduce the costs spent on additional resources. Management of exercises can help the managers to arrange their time effectively as well as develop the sequence of operations.
Organizations and Networking
Networking and presence of multiple organizations in managing various public and private issues contributes to greater control of all events and issues, from health care to transportation problems in the region. While dealing a large-scale problem, collaboration of knowledge and constant information exchange are essential for coordination of all activities during emergency situations, when time and immediateness are vital to cope with the disaster or risk. Therefore, the presence of networks in which professionals communicate ideas and experience promotes support and greater access to all necessary issues related to the problem (Murray, 2012). For instance, in case of natural disaster, experts in the field of health should consolidate their efforts with other spheres to keep abreast of the availability of all necessary resources for reducing the consequences of disaster and minimizing the risks. They should have communication channels and connect other colleagues in the field.
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There is a great number of organizations, institutions, and agencies, which are involved in solving emergency problems. They operate at local, national and international levels and combine efforts to deal with disasters and contingencies. Different levels of engagement allow the government to cooperate and manage resources, as well as take the corresponding measures for reducing the consequences of disaster. Constant collaboration is aimed at engaging information exchange and learning new training opportunities, ideas, and trends in decision-making and problem solving. The availability of different services dealing with emergency situations is an effective strategy because it allows the managers to take necessary measures while responding to an emergency situation. In this context, communication and interaction are essential. There should be specific ethical codes which contribute to efficient information exchange to reduce the time for reaching consensus on certain issues.
Agency Planning for Catastrophes
Emergency management and planning are carried out by specialized agencies the primary responsibility of which is to take control of disasters, terrorist attacks, and other contingencies. They introduce specific trainings and plans for the government to take corresponding measures and ensure timely supply and management of resources. Each country should promote funding and support to emergency agencies that encourage the development of non-governmental and voluntary organizations that could deal with natural disasters and terrorism in the country (Oliver, 2010). They should also be able to focus on prediction of possible emergencies and problems.
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In fact, the availability of agency planning for dealing with catastrophes can reduce the probability of occurrence of difficult situations. People will have more opportunities to address the institution for help. In response, agencies can develop security scheme for the population to act in critical cases and respond respectively (Oliver, 2010). Furthermore, emergency organization should also encourage the citizens to combine their efforts and help each other during contingencies. The community efforts and people’s organized work is much more important than response and recovery operations.
Apart from organizing rescuing operation and uniting communities, the task of agencies is to promote the corresponding technical support to ensure timely delivery of transport, food, and construction equipment. Telecommunication technologies play an essential role in reducing catastrophe consequences and hazards. Finally, there should be medical equipment that would ensure timely and effective help to injured or infected people. Technical support should be supplied with help of operator who could guide people and instruct them what they should do. Rescue operations should be carried out to move groups of people to safe places, as well as to introduce shelter and food to the victims of the disaster.
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After analyzing all abovementioned issues, a following conclusion can be made. Emergency management is a complicated process which includes many factors, cooperates with many spheres and is accountable for health, life and welfare of people in emergency situations. It is strongly connected with such fields as public health, mass relocation, response planning, recovery and reconstruction, table top exercise design, organizations and networking and agency planning for catastrophes. Qualitative combination of these activities can ensure immediate and appropriate response to all emergency situations.
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