Custom «The Triangle of the Information Systems» Essay Paper
The triangle of an information system is an uncomplicated framework whose main aim is helping to understand the impact of the information strategy and its proper alignment with other strategies in the organization. Companies’ strategies made by their management and not supported by the information system are in most doomed to failure. A significant number of agencies which are successful in their performance also make use of an overriding business strategy. This kind of strategy is the main driver of the information as well as the organizational strategy. Therefore, the information systems triangle encompasses of the business scheme, information plan, and organizational approach to ensure that all the decisions that are made in the firm are driven by the various objectives put in place (Milova, 2002).
A corporate strategy comprises the total sum of the actions which a company intends to achieve in the long term. These actions combined are the ones which make up the comprehensive business strategy. They are designed to take not less than a year to complete thus requiring the involvement of all the levels of management in an organization. The top management is responsible for formulating larger organizational objectives. Lower and middle level management then adopt plans and measures aimed at achieving the strategies set by the top management. All these aspects make the business strategy the key driver of all the other strategies. However, its execution is dependent upon a good communication of goals and passing of information (Van Deusen, Williamson, & Babson, 2007). The change in any of the strategies requires an adjustment or change in other sectors too to help maintain balance.
For the above to be achieved, there must be a flawless flow of information from all the levels of the organization. The information passed should entail all the updates required at all times to enable the management to adapt efficiently and make the necessary adjustments whenever necessary to ensure synergy in the organization and communication of organizational goals.
Organizational effectiveness refers to a concept reflecting how an organization is good at fulfilling or achieving the objectives outlined. To meet this demand, different groups in the organization take up different roles. These include organizational design and structure, measurement design, such as scorecards, leadership development, and talent management. Change and transformation implementation as well as the employment of processes which include the use of technology to manage the formulation of the organization's agendas and human capital. On the other hand, maximum efficiency often referred to as Pareto efficiency or Pareto optimality is the state of a company in which no further improvements can be made in any process or decision to significantly alter the already achieved condition.
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Organizational effectiveness and efficiency all fall under organizational strategy and include the designs of the facility and the choices made in the work process. How the firm will organize itself to achieve its business goals and implement strategies revolves around the productivity of processes, tasks and structures, management and measurement systems, in addition to the beliefs and values of its members.
The information system strategy is used in the provision of information services. The information systems permit the company to establish workable communication between departments and separate employees and thus to devise appropriate business strategies. Besides, the information system facilitates the determination of organization’s capabilities. There are four key information system infrastructures that are vital to the information strategy, organizational strategy, and the achievement of optimal efficiency and effectiveness as a whole.
These components are the hardware which is composed of the physical components that the system has. They require a handler which is the person accountable for managing them and sustaining their adequate technical condition. The second element is the software encompassing a list of programs, utilities, and applications utilized. They also have the users and the managers regulating their uninterrupted work. The third constituent is the networking which is the interconnection of all the different components such as the relationship of different levels of management, adhesion to objectives and strategies, and maintaining their interrelation. It also deals with how each of the various users sends, receives, and effectively uses information to comply with the business strategy. Lastly, it is the information itself which is passed along to facilitate the performance of a company (Milova, 2002).
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Due to the sophistication of business operations and the need for the timely updates of the data flow, business managers need to be aware of the current state of affairs in the organization to have an understanding of budgeting strategies and direct appropriate financial resources to the areas which primarily need them. A manager who is not able to employ managing basics and use information effectively is doomed to being unsuccessful in today’s business.
The proper use of information systems brings various benefits and should be managed as a very critical resource. The advantages it brings include the change of the way in which employees in the organization work together. It also helps in the integration of all the business aspects, being a secret weapon which can be used in combating the challenges posed by competitors timely.
The triangle of information systems enables the use of technology and technique cohesively without causing any harm to business operations. The technological aspect of the triangle of information systems involves the utilization, making, and knowledge of all the machines, tools, systems, crafts, and methods of organization to help solve any problem that may face the firm or perform a specific task or function effectively. Understanding this helps the establishment of the long term success of the organization. Each person has his or her working style and preference. Some work well under pressure while others make significant mistakes in the same environment. Having an effective triangle of information system enables the manager to understand it and this helps them in the allocation of tasks and goals thus enabling each person, department, or resource to work at their optimum output without straining any function.
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An example of a when the triangle of information system failure is the case of Deepwater Horizon oil spill which is the largest marine oil spill in the history. This happened due to the failure of a group tasked with testing the pressure levels who never communicated effectively since they were in a hurry to leave (Kurtz, 2013). This meant the goals of the team were not aligned with the long term objectives of the company. The then oil rig operated by BP became the biggest nightmare the public relations department of the company ever faced. An estimated four million crude oil barrels flowed into the Gulf water daily. This case shows the importance of having the business strategy triangle working effectively.
Porter’s generic strategies indicate that the competitive advantage of any company can only be achieved through differentiation, cost leadership, focus, and finally understanding the influence of information strategy on the organizational strategy (Cool & Woo, 1984).
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In conclusion, the information system triangle encompassing business, organizational, and information strategy enables achieving success by driving the organization towards a common goal. Therefore, it is important for all of them to be in the balance. This is because the information system strategy is affected by the other strategies employed by the firm. Hence, a change in the information system strategy requires an adjustment to the other components in the triangle.
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