Custom «Gil’s Sportsplex» Essay Paper
The importance of a Computer-Aided Facility Management (CAFM) system cannot be stressed enough in the modern world. It is pertinent for organizations to have functional management software with departmental information. Ideally, a CAFM system integrates facility management with information technology for the purpose of promoting the supply of information regarding the facilities and resources in the company. It allows the manager to coordinate plans and execution functions that regard the company competencies including assets and operational services. The functionality of the Computer-Aided Facility Management software also cuts across the direct physical systems such as lighting, heating, air conditioning, and water equipment. This paper is an analysis of three CAFM applications that enable remote management of the lighting and temperature systems in the administrative building as well as the watering system in the field. The paper also presents a suggestion from the findings regarding the best option to be considered for purchase. Additionally, the paper addresses the concerns as regards the plans of increasing the concession revenue by installing a deep fryer to cook fries and various dough products such as corn dogs. These concerns include legal requirements for installation of such cooking equipment and subsequent changes that ought to be made in the light of the concession stand.
The first software in consideration is the Fleet Maintenance Pro which allows tracking of an unlimited number of assets in a user-friendly manner (“Top Facility,” 2016). It is flexible to the extent that it allows adaptation to any company asset that requires preventive maintenance including facility equipment such as the Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. Its flexibility and adaptability in use allow it to be applied in other engineering systems such as the field water equipment. The configuration of preventive maintenance tasks is user-defined, which allows a variety of options to select from including tracking by hours, date, power consumption or any other factor. There are automated alerts directed to the email or computer of the manager as regards the factors mentioned above. This feature enables management of issues that may arise and subsequent correction before costly consequences are incurred. Additionally, the application has a feature that allows history recording for evaluation of the efficacy of the assets in relation to the cost of maintenance.
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Another possible alternative is the CAFM Explorer (“Top Facility,” 2016). It is accessible from the desktop, the web, or the mobile devices. The facility manager can list the assets in the asset register, which is eminently suited for their recording, management, and tracking. The CAFM Explorer allows recording of detailed and extensive information regarding each asset such as location, warranty, and maintenance records. It comes with a Help Desk feature which provides simple, fast, and efficient solutions for maintenance. Additionally, it has on-screen alerts regarding the status of all the assets. The CAFM Explorer also provides direct connection to the facility maintenance officers in case of escalation of any problem.
Finally, the Maintenance Connection is a web-based software that allows organizations to manage their facilities efficiently. The most striking feature is the simplicity of the application when it comes to building a hierarchy of the assets and keeping record of them. The software is customizable depending on the asset information with infinite options of data entry. The Maintenance Connection also has an experienced technical team (“Top Facility,” 2016).
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After consideration of specifications of the three varieties, I deem the Fleet Maintenance Pro to be the best option available. In addition to simplicity, flexibility, adaptability, and extensive database, it is cheaper compared to the others. The use of the Fleet Maintenance Pro is not limited to internet accessibility unlike Maintenance Connection, which is not fully functional. Finally, the color-coding options simplify the work of finding crucial information.
Acquisition and installation of the deep fryer is subject to the typical licensure requirements of health departments (“Food Establishment,” 2016). Firstly, the equipment must be certified to correspond to the required sanitary design, materials, as well as the construction standards. Secondly, installation of the deep fryer must be evaluated using the health regulatory requirements. Consequently, the restaurant must make changes to accommodate the installation requirements of health departments. For instance, there must be a storage device for the foods that are to be cooked. Additionally, the room must be designed to function at a reduced temperature to enable the storage of pre-packaged food stuffs.
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