Custom «Al Futtaim Group» Essay Paper

Custom «Al Futtaim Group» Essay Paper

Al Futtaim Company has grown tremendously since its establishment in 1930. The company’s headquarter is based in Dubai and United Arab Emirates. This company has expanded its business activities, and it is currently offering arrange of high quality products and services to its clients worldwide. Apart from diversification, Al Futtaim Company has extended its presence to various countries. For instance, it has opened various outlets in the Middle East and Europe.

This expansion process has been characterized by a significant increase in its number of employees. At present, the company has over twenty thousand employees serving in various outlets. Maintaining this huge number of employees has been a challenge to this company. In order to overcome this challenge, the company has adopted a more effective strategy for coordinating its human resource services. In this case, the company has shifted from a decentralized to a centralized HR system. This is because the decentralized system of managing its workers was marred with a lot of inefficiency, which often caused dissatisfaction among its employees.


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A centralized HR system has also enabled the company to streamline and merge its HR services. With regard to this strategy, the company is currently using SAP ERP HCM software. This computer program has enhanced a smooth transition from the old HR system to the new one. The sophisticated nature of this program has enabled the employees to handle and access basic HR services independently. For instance, the employees can adjust their profiles, and make various requests through this system. Besides this, the software has facilitated quick processing of requests and effective preparation of payrolls.

By consolidating its HR practices, Al Futtaim Company has been able to mitigate expenses associated with managing its human resource operations. Moreover, the software has been a greet source of motivation to the personnel, since it is efficient. Consequently, the company has registered a significant growth within the few months it has been using the centralized system.

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