Custom «Discussion 12: Stereotypes and Prejudice» Essay Paper
I agree with Bem that both masculine and feminine can exist equally in an individual and incorporate personality traits of both genders. For example, after taking the Bem survey, I have identified such masculine traits as a strong personality, analytical thinking, and competitiveness. Moreover, I believe that all my traits were not objectively evaluated due to existing stereotypes and prejudices that encourage women to underestimate their leadership qualities, assertiveness, and ambition. Another reason men and women can have personality traits of both genders is that when women get into a male environment, such as politics, they can achieve even more than men. Stereotypes and prejudice are the limiting forces for admitting male traits by women and female traits by men.
According to the Bem survey, I belong to the ‘feminine’ category. However, I am not surprised by my result. I am convinced that I also have many male personality traits that I should admit and regard as my strengths. I think gender stereotypes and prejudice have influenced my result as it is difficult to remain objective when the media and the community impose stereotypical personality traits on both males and females. Therefore, I am convinced that the masculine traits score could be higher if I were not exposed to many gender stereotypes.
Bem suggests that the best situation for someone would be androgyne. I agree with Bem because the androgynous person is a well-balanced individual who incorporates both male and female personality traits. For example, it is a perfect match when a woman has her female traits and balances them with male traits such as being a strong personality, having analytical thinking, and having a competitive nature. The advantage of being androgyne is that such a gender identity can be more beneficial, especially for women who are frequent objects of stereotypes and prejudice. Therefore, women with androgyne personality traits will be able to be more successful and effective in the masculine environment and tend to become leaders and managers. Consequently, the existence of stereotypes and prejudice encourages women to incorporate masculine personality traits to access new opportunities in the areas where they are underrepresented.
Chapter 11 “Gender and Sexual Orientation” reveals stereotypes and prejudice caused by differences in gender and sexual orientation. According to this chapter, the gender belief system is based on a set of beliefs about males and females and traits and values that they should possess. However, I believe that this gender belief system creates many gender stereotypes and biases because this system compares men and women. This chapter insists that learning of the gender belief system begins early and continues throughout life. For example, since childhood, we can hear that girls should play with dolls and wear pink clothes, while boys should play with cars and wear blue colors. Such stereotypes influence their adult life by prescribing stereotypical roles such as men being leaders and women being stay-at-home spouses. Consequently, the gender belief system is biased and stereotypical. It creates a gap between men and women and an underrepresentation of women in many areas.
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This chapter focuses much attention on sexual orientation differences that challenge the traditional vision of sexuality. Currently, attitudes toward lesbians and gay men have changed as the community moves toward greater acceptance. However, homosexuals cannot reveal their sexual orientation freely because they are afraid of violence and hostility. According to this chapter, homosexuality is better accepted by less authoritarian and conservative individuals who are female, young, and educated. I agree with this thought and believe that our community should be more educated and progressive in accepting differences in sexual orientation and demonstrate much tolerance and respect for diverse people. Consequently, despite some positive changes in the acceptance of gender and sexual orientation identities, the belief system is still biased, discriminatory, and makes diverse individuals and women feel unsafe.
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