Custom «The Profession of Arms» Essay Paper
The Profession of Arms is associated with the military and the Armed Forces. The United States Army and other armed forces have a duty to the citizens of the country. In conducting this duty, the army must maintain some required certain skills and knowledge that allow performing optimally in their tasks. The requirement to possess special skills and knowledge form the basis of the Profession of Arms, as it places the military or armed as a profession. Simply having skills does not make a profession; instead, the professionals must be able to serve society and be accepted and trusted with the jurisdiction to conduct the duties that are in service of humans. The United States Army satisfies this requirement and qualifies as a Profession of Arms. The U.S. citizens and society have accepted and trust that the army or military is crucial in providing a service, which is the application of lethal and physical force in resolving social and political problems, and addressing any threats to the country. Therefore, based on these definitions, the U.S. Army satisfies the designation of a profession, and the term, Profession of Arms.
Overall, the Profession of Arms is concerned with the armed defense of society, such as the United States, and its population, territory, and vital interests internally and externally. The profession is crucial in ensuring the overall safety and wellbeing of a country and its citizens. It allows society to have personnel in place who have access to different weaponry that can be used to exert force in protecting a nation and its various interests. The professional nature of this force ensures that its power is not abused for ulterior motives. For instance, without a Profession of Arms, the armed forces would be undisciplined and not accepted or trusted by society; thus, they would be more likely to abuse their power against the citizenry or other nations. For example, civil wars in different countries can continue for years due to a problem associated with providing individuals without the special skills and knowledge associated with the armed forces with access to arms. Therefore, without the Profession of Arms, there would be a situation characterized by an increased risk of weaponry and lethal force being handed to the wrong individuals, which would result in disruption of societal order through such events as civil wars.
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I also believe that the Profession of Arms is important as it ensures that a country has a constant supply of well-trained military personnel who help protect the citizens and advance the interests of the nation. When belonging in the army is viewed as a profession, the country invests its resources in ensuring that this personnel is provided with adequate training to gain the necessary skills. Society always requires a Profession of Arms that provides a well-trained armed defense, which can help the government in resolving problems that require the use of force. Such operations are usually dangerous, bloody, and characterized by the loss of human lives, and there is a need to ensure that only professionals are allowed to handle the operations. When trained professionals are involved, the outcomes are more acceptable and supportive to the goals and needs of both the citizens and the government. For instance, while a country may wage war against another, using trained professionals reduces the risks of war crimes and vices, such as the killing of innocent civilians or the torture of prisoners of wars. Therefore, the Profession of Arms is crucial in ensuring that society always has access to trained military professionals who can advance the interests of the government and resolve problems that require force in a manner that is acceptable by society.
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