Custom «Drug Court Interventions» Essay Paper
During a research, the right methodology choice determines the outcome of the research study carried out. Drug court intervention is a critical study that needs to source information that helps in generating data from victims that join the world of drugs. In this article, the results of the study will depend upon the sampled population. It analyses the impact of drugs to a given population whereby data is collected from both the drug abusers and their relatives who are not drug abusers.
Problem definition
Drug abuse according to the current scientific and clinical research shows that drug abuse creates both temporary and physiological changes which are long term in with an individual’s brain. In this study, there are trials of ancillary programs if they fitting the drug court programs apart from the physiological and psychological settings in the mind of the user. Sometimes the settings are altered which result into addictions with the user not suffering from adverse side effects. The advent of drug courts dates back into 1980 which marked the on start of a treatment oriented system for drug users. The program runs to date on how to help users to practice abstinence or to live a free life without the use of drugs. There is integration of coercive justice system which helps the program to practice its might on the users. This makes the program seem official officiated in combating drug use.
Research method
During the study, survey method to obtain information from respondents was applied. Respondents consisted of forty eight drug court participants who were on health and exercise practice. The basing of the results s generated from the assumption that for people to stop using drugs they need an efficient physical health. Most of the users turn to drugs because they feel that they acquire satisfaction from using drugs hence becomes addicted without their knowledge.
Secondary Data
Data collection was obtained from books, journals and previous researches done by scholars on drug abuse and courts. The best thing to do is not to shun the users but to join hands in formulating means to help them out of addictions. Secondary data acted as a contributor to the background information of the research.
Primary data
The survey method provided the primary data. Questionnaires were given out to the respondents in order to obtain answers for the research study. The 48 respondents provided this information. They provided relevant information by relating to their personal experiences or even other people experiences.
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Questionnaire design
The most appropriate tool in conducting a research is a questionnaire. The questionnaire’s design is an important factor to consider because it is mainly used for the pertinent tasks of data collection and analysis. This illustrates that the questions must be relevant and straightforward to the concerns of the study. It is imperative that the questionnaire meets certain characteristics like readability where the respondent do not need to strain while reading, time considerate in the sense that they enhance brevity, the structure must have cohesion in that connected in that transition from one question to another be enhanced also uphold privacy of the relayed content. During the formulation of the survey, it is important to meet all these qualities.
Data Collection
Data collection was not effective because many of the respondents left work which was a requirement by the drug court. There was a complication in the determination of the degree of willingness to which individuals used to support the study. The three drug court judges were not equally willing to overlook the case because they used bias. The case of leaning on the side of the case does not help in producing positive results. It is evident because only forty eight out of about one hundred and twenty nine respondents who responded using the mail. This was result of inconveniences caused by the laid out guidelines about the study by the court judges. The program is a resourceful but, the approach it got from the researchers limited the scope which it as supposed to achieve.
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Research ethics
It is imperative to maintain high ethical standards because the respondents do not need to be exposed to the public. The researcher needs to maintain confidentiality of the information he sourced from the respondents. The respondents participated willingly because it is unethical to coerce them into responding to the study research. The responses of the respondents were not misused to achieve ill motives by the researcher. Before the research, the respondents were taken through the objectives of the research because the researchers wanted to achieve consistent data that will help in approaching the drug court intervention. The debriefing of confidentiality by the researcher to the respondents intended to inform the respondents of the objective of the study which focused on achieving the best strategies to combat drug usage among the young people. The identities of the respondents remained unmentioned by the researcher because the agreement was to uphold anonymity. There was no variable that could have cased direct stress to the respondent or other participants in the research study. The respondents were allowed to leave the survey if they felt that there were some variables which caused psychological stress to them although none left because the research was done in a considerate manner. The researcher offered no financial incentives to the respondents hence making it a result oriented research rather that an incentive motivated one. This ensured that there was no manipulation of information or responses that were compromised. All respondents were above twenty one years of age.
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The intention of the study was examining the benefits of exercise on treatment the participants in the courts acquired and the response they gave back. This was done using tabulated data and graphs. It happened as the predictions stipulated that those who participated in Coastal Conditioning program improved because they changed their moods build their self esteem and had a restored general wellness. In the United States, drug courts have been reported as positive innovations because they helped many drug abusers to change their lives by imparting positive information concerning drug abstinence.
As the graphs and the tables, stipulate drug abuse is challenging where most abusers have turned into an addiction. The primary cause of addiction is the need to ape other styles of living, which do not, feature well in an individual’s life. The tables show that almost one hundred per cent of the alcohol abusers do not change their behaviour hence making them vulnerable to the social drink. There is no distinction between an abuser of alcohol and an addict because they all seem to enjoy. The graphs show that the target population of 6.7 percent alcohol users, a great number abused the social drink. There are general side effects associated with taking drugs which people do not accept but, they mean a lot to the stopping of an addiction.
Primary Substance Used and Criminal Charge at Intake
Drug of choice |
n=126 f |
% |
n=48 f |
% |
Alcohol |
8 |
6.7 |
3 |
6.7 |
Cocaine |
13 |
10.8 |
2 |
4.4 |
Heroin |
19 |
15.8 |
7 |
15.6 |
Marijuana |
12 |
10.0 |
4 |
8.9 |
Methamphetamine |
68 |
56.7 |
29 |
64.4 |
Missing |
6 |
4.8 |
3 |
6.3 |
Fatigue is caused by abusing drugs and in most cases lack general exercise. Those respondents who had regular exercises were found to be resistant to fatigue and other effects of drugs. The results of exercise make the hypothesis of program being a resource in improvement of general health in the case of taking drugs.
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Many of the drug abusers encounter stress because they feel that they are doing something against their will, which needs to, are stopped. This brings a bad feeling about them but they seek help to stop the vice. Many of the drug users who quit the vice find peace because they relate well with the people who initially stigmatized them. In the case of motivation for change, those respondents who never exercised felt that there was no need to change because their moods towards change. Depression and distress are usually recorded by the researchers before the exercises but once the drug users accept to participate in the program they become more active than before the program initiation.
Drug use problem is different in the manner people address it because different people take drugs at different times. The facilitators of the program need to take concern of this because the drug users are all the same.
The problem of drugs goes beyond most of the problems facing the society nowadays. It requires to be approached with a very critical view because drug abuse is the hiding point for criminals in the society. Criminal justice needs to be used in coercion of the drug users to stop using the drug. With the integration of criminal justice, most people feel that they do not need to stop the vice because they ought to do t out of choice rather than coercion. Most of the drug users need to be harnessed into stopping using the drugs because they only spoil their identities when they use the drugs.
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Most of the drug users have the will to respond to change they are imparted with although the gong back syndrome affects them. They need follow up by qualified counsellors who will help them to understand the effectiveness of stopping the habits of taking drugs. Although there are some hitches in practising the drug court, there is a need for government input so that the relevant ministries get the best out of the general population.
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