Custom «Revolution in France» Essay Paper
Even after the deadly revolution in France, the King who took power in France set up laws that favoured the rich at the expense of the weak in the society, up to the time when he was overthrown through a revolution. The third republic was set up to restore the lost rights, which the France citizens had fought for a long time. The third republic survived from the year 1870 to 1945 having lived with many trials and moves to destabilize. All obstacles for the republic led to a strong support of the government.
The French third republic was a ruling body in France between the years 1870-1945. It was a republican democracy that was established after the decline of the reign of Napoleon iii during the Franco-Prussian conflict. It endured until the year 1940, when the Germans invaded France. This body was established as a democratic body by an act of parliament. The body was not intended to carry on for a long period. It, therefore, went through various conflicts until its final collapse, in the year 1940. The main act that led to the overthrow of Napoleon 111 was the German’s act that intended to make France a nation that tolerates might neighbours in its surroundings (Fortescue 67).
In the year 1970s, France established a republic to take over after the death of Chambord. The president of the republic wanted a monarchical government which the parliament opposed. Democracy underwent a trying moment when the president fought for a Monarchy. He dismissed the prime minister, who belonged to the republican group, and dissolved parliament (Chapman, 222). This was a trying period for the republic. It was saved when the public voted heavily against a monarchical France and instead preferred a democratic nation that was in existence. In 1875, there was an act of parliament that aimed at enhancing democracy in the nation. The president had no permission to be in parliament. This aims at separating the executive from the legislature. This act ensured the survival of democracy. The presidential candidates also had to obtain 50% of the total official votes to be nominated. This gave people an opportunity to exercise their democratic rights. The elected president would, therefore, be a democrat and worked towards the survival of democracy.
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The Dreyfus affair was dangerous to the survival of democracy in the third republic. This happened when Dreyfus was convicted for the charges that he had not undertaken yet the top officials of the republic knew that he was not guilty. The main reason behind Dreyfus conviction was because he was a Jew. This act was a challenge to the survival of Democracy in France. It was used as a learning moment for the French people who realized the nature of anti-semiticism that existed in France. It also ensured that the third republic were aware of the threats posed by the royal group for the people of France.
In 1885, the political force fought to end monarchy in France completely. This was done through the sale of crown jewels that were a sign of monarchism. They were replaced by crowns with glasses which were kept. Various reforms were set up in the public sector that aimed at addressing the concerns of the citizens. There was an introduction of the 8 hours normal work day and the compensation act. These acts aimed at enhancing the democratic right of all French citizens (Smith 92).
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Despite the obstacles that existed during the reign of the third republic, it is seen as the longest in service which came to an end after the conquering of France by the Nazis; an act that led to the split of France into northern and southern parts. It fought many battles to ensure the survival of democracy.
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