Custom «World War I and America» Essay Paper
World War I was among the challenging moment in the history of America. As much as United States had a stable government, the war would have destroyed the nation if it were not for the progressive reforms. The war brought division of people in their ethnic groups, economic classes and their line of race. Moreover, President Woodrow Wilson conquered this by drafting reforms that united American as they faced the challenges of the war. By this, it was evident that the progressive reforms went hand in hand with the war efforts at home. The impact of the war was felt everywhere as it affected people’s lifestyle ranging from the poor to the rich.
As a result, union officials, American civilians, civil right leaders, cooperate executive and women suffragists decided to turn the war to their advantage. The republicans used their resources to repay their efforts in the war by introducing progressive taxation. This significantly boosted America’s economy as they gained from the war (Jaycox 27).
As the war progressed, it was evident that people had started accepting their positions in the war. In other words, Wilson’s effort to advocate for democracy may have been appreciated by people more than he anticipated. However, people contributed willingly than Wilson imagined because of the vengeance they had for the enemy. By this, Wilson did not rely on volunteers for the battles; instead, his draft was clear that the war was for all.
Moreover, as much as the war was regarded as destruction of progressive reforms, it was the other way round. It was evident that the war fulfilled most of the progressive reforms through the intervention of effort at home and from the military (Carlisle and Golson 32). Through the coalition of prominent businessmen led by the house of Morgan, their interests were pursued by the government. In other words, they took advantage of this period, to heighten the economy, by regulating prices and production, restrict competition, and protect foreign investments.
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To sum up, the war was a means of social empowerment, social capital rose, activists credited the war to promoting progressive reform, wartime agencies helped corporate profits triple, working people were given eight-hour and living minimum wage as well as it boosted stalled moral move to ban alcohol. Although he declared neutrality, his sympathies lay with Great Britain and France that were being attacked by Germany. Wilson remained “absolutely neutral” a condition that raised different reactions including resignation of Bryan- secretary of state, protesting Wilson’s handling of the situation.
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