Custom «Health Effects of Obesity» Essay Paper
On the other hand, people are less concerned with the rising issues with regard to health as a result of being politically correct. Statistics indicate that the rate of obesity in America has remained an all time high, and as a result, no state had recorded less than 20 percent prevalence of the disease (MedTV). But why are people not addressing this issue properly? Many believe that people are concerned with other urgent issues like politics and the state of economy, leading to a smaller percentage owning up to the case as being serious.
Causes of Obesity in America
As the world experiences evolution, little people consider the diet they take and regular exercise as paramount. The main cause of obesity in America is believed to be the diet as well as lack of exercise. Statistics further illustrate that several Americans are known to eat poorly. Poor eating is as a result of people depending largely on fast food as a way of living. On the other hand, fast food have been characterized with a fast moving life that tends to see both members of the family, father and mother working and have little time to prepare food.
It is worth noting that fast foods in America are not prepared as they should be and as a result; do not provide the necessary nutrients needed to keep the body fit and healthy. There are no right proportions in food preparations within the several food outlets in America. For instance, different menus tend to be more nutritious than others while others are in high proportions of calories which is a lead factor to overweight on consumers. Eating proper food in America is not the norm, and one is likely to witness several Americans ignoring fruits and vegetables.
It is then possible to conclude that the main cause of obesity in America is the great imbalance of calories that are daily consumed. The daily routine where people have to rush to work and attend to their daily business in a fast changing world is also a great concern that leads to the growth of obesity in America. It might not sound an alarm when people eat foods that are nutritious but in large quantity (Bailey 40). This is also a sign that obesity can be the resulting condition of this type of food consumption. It is not health for a person to eat high amount of nutritional foods for it is likely to have health impacts.
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Effects of Obesity in America
There are several effects that are associated with obesity and this includes an increased risk to several problems like fatty liver disease, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes. Statistics indicate that up to 300,000 premature deaths are caused by obesity. Furthermore, Osteoarthritis, metabolic syndrome and joint pain are the results of obesity. Obesity is also known to cause mental health disorders. In the event that a person has severe case of obesity, then he or she is likely to witness low self esteem.
Those who suffer from obesity tend to shy off from relationships and they might be affected in any type of relationship that they form. Those who have obesity tend to suffer from discrimination and can be rejected in several institutions of learning. Early onset hypertension is usually recorded in the event that a child suffers from obesity. Furthermore children who suffer from obesity are likely to record higher risk of contacting heart diseases and even stroke and diabetes.
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