Custom «Adoption of Community Outreach Health Policy Plan» Essay Paper
This report will be directed to the public relations manager McDonald’s Corporation, seeking to explain and recommend a community outreach health program aimed at proposing change in the company’s outreach policy to accommodate rising health issues specifically the rising case of overweight and obese people.
Topic: community health outreach policy program review
The program will recommend a get back to the people program that will facilitate healthy living among the people many of whom are potential as well as existing customers. The health policy of the company ensures that the foods promote healthy living for example through low calorie foods. Even with these standards, it has emerged in the recent past that there is increasing number of overweight and obese people because of individual unhealthy practices regarding eating habits and choice of foods. Since the community forms an integral part of the McDonald’s Corporation, the public relations manager should adopt this community outreach review program in the company’s outreach policies (CDC, 2010).
Purpose of the report
The purpose of the report is to give a recommendation on the best way to deal with obesity and related overweight problem in the community. According to the National Health and Nutrition Survey, one in every three Americans is obese. Obesity has resulting complications like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, heart diseases, stroke and even high cholesterol. The rate is more alarming too in children and therefore as part of giving to the community, this recommendation will add to other existing outreach programs and will therefore will assist in trying to get a permanent solution to the problem (CDC, 2010).
Resources required
To implement this future community health program recommendation, resources will be required to facilitate it. The McDonalds Corporation will have to review its budgetary allocations to the community outreach programs since this will an additional program with its own unique financial requirements. The adoption of the program will need public education and awareness programs as well as assisting those already affected. Public awareness can be through advertisements or specific area to area training. The company can also get involved in getting other corporate bodies to get involved including influencing insurance companies to offer remuneration to affected people by covering in their insurance policies. All these require financial input from the MacDonald Corporation dedicated to each activity (Egeland, 2010).
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Information gathering techniques
For the justification report recommending this new health outreach program, information will be gathered to give data and details for the proposed change. Some of the ways of collecting this information include direct observation, for example for the case of observing an affected groups of people with associated problems since obesity results in other problems like diabetes. A one-on-one interview with the person affected is yet another method. The internet has proven to an important research tool and this will help in reviewing the outreach policy. Facilitated sessions can also help collect information because they involve bringing a larger group of people with weight problems together with an aim of getting information faster (Egeland, 2010).
Information evaluation criteria
Some of the factors to consider in the evaluation criteria include the direct effect of the program to the community. These include checking the healthy living of the people who might have gone through weight loss programs, the measure of reduced obese cases and even the reduced obesity related complications and deaths. Another evaluation criterion is motivational concept of the consumer or customer reaction. This includes the direct effect of the program on the McDonald Corporation in terms of sales as well as the community reaction to the program (Egeland, 2010).
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