Custom «Essentials of Baccalaureate Education» Essay Paper
The essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice provide a curriculum for nursing education that is appropriate for the 21st century (AACN, 2008). It also provides core knowledge required by all healthcare nursing professionals due to its focus on patient-centeredness, interpersonal teams, evidence-based practices, quality improvement, patient safety, informatics, and clinical reasoning. Modern nursing profession requires additional knowledge in genetics, cultural sensitivity, professionalism, and many other ever-changing issues in the healthcare environment.
Its overall outcome is to produce graduates that are able to function within a complex and dynamic healthcare system as a consequence of the resulting knowledge, skills, and antidotes. It is a liberal education which provides a cornerstone of practice and education for nurses. The learning outcome, such as knowledge, skills, and attitudes, enables practitioners to acquire leadership skills necessary for promoting patient safety and high quality healthcare. The professional practices help in transferring current evidence into practice. Health practitioners also acquire knowledge on how to handle information concerning the patient, as well as using patient care technology as a way of delivering quality patient care (AACN, 2008).
The program also contains healthcare policies related to healthcare, finance, and regulatory environment. It also enables practitioners to improve their communication and interpersonal skills, in order to promote disease prevention for individuals and the public. The program is rich in professional values and codes of practice that are necessary for all professionals in all healthcare environments. During the professional training, learning opportunities are provided to enable learners to acquire deep and wide experiences that promote better knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for the management of clinical care services. Professionals also improve their interpersonal skills to be able to become part of a team and to acquire clinical reasoning, management and evaluation skills.
Essential III: Scholarships for Evidence-Based Practice
Professional nursing practice should seek to translate current evidence into practice and to evaluate outcomes. The nurses are made capable of monitoring patient outcomes and relating them to the practice issues. The evidence is then shared with professional teams as evidence of the best practice. Baccalaureate educations prepare practitioners to understand how evidence results from the research process, clinical decisions, inter-professional perspectives, and patient preferences as applied to practice (AACN, 2008). The graduates are equipped to conduct their research in any healthcare setting according to the ethical and legal precepts so that the rights of patients are protected, to avoid conflict and misconduct or any harm to patients (AACN, 2008).
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Essentials IV: Information Management and Application Patient Care Technology
Baccalaureate graduates are prepared to use knowledge and skills in information and patient care technology to deliver quality patient care. They are given technical skills to use computers and other applications, including such patient care technologies as monitors and data-gathering devices for a wide variety of purposes. Such technological skills are also used in providing support services, such as gathering evidence and supporting decisions. The graduates are also prepared to use other technical applications comfortably and in a knowledgeable manner (Melnlyk & Overholt, 2011).
Graduates of Baccalaureate course are, therefore, able to manage data, information, knowledge, and technology to communicate effectively, in order to promote the safety of patients, due to decisions based on evidence. The day-to-day nursing services can, therefore, be integrated into the clinical information systems to improve the practice based on well-kept data and documents for quality decision-making. The course work helps the graduates to be well-prepared to use a variety of technologies that facilitate clinical care by monitoring patients using clinical and administrative systems to ensure safety in the nursing practice (CNSSP, 2008).
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Essential V: Health Care Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments
Graduates of Baccalaureate course will be able to understand the wider healthcare policies, including financial and regulatory policies that impact nursing and healthcare system. Guidelines in healthcare with regard to how patients care services are organized and financed. The graduates will have a good understanding of agencies that are involved in the development and change of healthcare services. The professionals are also able to work with advocacy groups and other nursing professionals that may influence the nursing practices. It makes the graduates to understand how healthcare policies shape the nature, quality, and safety of the environment for practicing nursing, and the responsibilities of different stakeholders (Melnlyk & Overholt, 2011). The processionals are able to know how to accommodate patients, families, communities, and nursing professional agencies that may have common interests in promoting social justice. The nursing professionals are also prepared to work jointly with such groups to promote and uphold moral and ethical responsibilities (AACN, 2008).
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Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population
Baccalaureate course produces graduates who understand how to promote health to the public by preventing disease and injuries in the community. This helps in improving population health through creating a clear understanding about how lifestyle, environmental, and genetic factors are major determinant factors in determining aspects of health, such as illness, disease, disability and mortality. Nursing professionals also help in responding to acute disease episodes in order to improve health. Consequently , health professionals helps in assisting individuals, families, groups and communities to prepare for and to minimize health consequences of emergencies , including mass casualty disasters (AACN, 2008) .The health professionals also help in using clinical preventions, such as immunization and counseling, that can be used to prevent disease escalations.
Essential IX: Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice
Upon completion of the nursing education, graduates acquire superior knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable them to care for individuals, families, groups and communities. This can be done by the professionals in any setting, regardless of the complexity of the healthcare environment. The professionals are the link between patients and the complex healthcare systems. They serve using their compassionate approaches by applying their scientific base of knowledge, and all the evidence of research that they accumulate over time. They harmonize the skills and knowledge with the healthcare practice. They reason within any context and apply all ethical values in dealing with the patients (CNSSP, 2008).
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The professionals are equipped with skills that can enable them assume any leadership role within the professional teams. They are also able to pay attention to changes in demographics and are capable of handling both adults and children populations with diverse health complications. To handle all situations and diverse cases, the professionals are made to understand diversity resulting from ethics, gender, sexual, cultural and spiritual affiliations, especially based on the current trend of globalization. The graduates of Baccalaureate course are holistically prepared and able to use their superior knowledge, skills, and attitudes to customize health services and therapies to achieve good health for all in the society (AACN, 2008).
Two of the Essentials that Can Guarantee the Future of Any Registered Nurse
The challenges facing modern nurses can be best handled through the preparation of Generalist Nursing Practice. This is essential because it enables a nurse to acquire superior knowledge, skills, and attitudes that allow them to care for all categories of any population irrespective of their age, gender, race and cultural affiliations. Being a non-specialist healthcare function, nursing may require a registered nurse to take care of individuals, families, groups and communities. This can be done by holistic professionals with general nursing practice, to fit in any setting regardless of the complexity of the healthcare environment. These professionals are the link between patients and the complex healthcare systems (AACN, 2008).
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The second most important essential is the clinical prevention and population because Baccalaureate course produces graduates that understand how to promote health to the public by preventing disease and injuries in the community. This helps in improving population health, by creating a clear understanding about how lifestyle, environmental, and genetic factors are major determinant factors in determining aspects of health, such as diseases, disability and mortality. The health professionals also help in using clinical preventions, such as immunization and counseling, that can be used to prevent disease escalations. A registered nurse can, therefore, take care of the whole population by advising on how the available resources can be used to meet the health needs of the entire population.
Baccalaureate nursing course is appropriate for nursing professionals in the modern society where the health of almost everyone is endangered. Provision of better healthcare services, therefore, requires professional nurses with superior skills, knowledge and attitude, as well as competencies in other areas that impact quality of health care. The course, therefore, produces graduates who can contextualize their technical knowledge and who can use other technological applications in meeting the health demands for all patients. Provision of better health services requires both technical and application skills in order to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare services for the entire population. These skills, knowledge and competencies are provided by the Baccalaureate education course.
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