Custom «Heladiv» Essay Paper

Custom «Heladiv» Essay Paper

Heladiv is an international company which supplies the products in many countries across the world. It has strategies and operational procedures which make it capture a large market in the countries which it concentrates in providing the business. It has market in over forty countries across the world. The company has professional employees who make sure that it changes with the change in the market, and ensures the continuity and maximum generation of profit. The company provides home grown products and synonymous with Ceylon tea. It operates in serving the need of modern market with advanced technology. The company believes in working hard and integrity, and this has enabled the company to enhance in production and supply of the products more than the competing companies. The company extension of the market of products to United Arab Emirates or Dubai it has to adopt some strategies (Lymbersky, 2008).


The company provision and extension of provision of products to Dubai will face more challenges in which more effort should get involved. Firstly, the strategic managers should evaluate the market of tea product in the region, and operation of the competitors in that region. The company should consider the trade barriers which can make the product not to penetrate to locals. The barriers like transport and the financial stability of the people in United Arab Emirates. The exportation from sirlanka will make the company to grow, because exportation of products will enable it improve business relationship with other countries hence sales promotion (Ruga, 2005).


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The operation and implementation of the company can not become successful without considering the porter's 5 forces. Starting with considering the threat of new competitors because with the establishment of the company new firms will emerge producing the some product and this should get into consideration, because it can lower the profit. Secondly, consideration of the threat of substitute products or service is another risk, because buyers can respond to substitute product in the market hence making the company to have less sales. Thirdly, the bargaining power of customers, if the cost of products lowers can lead to loss. The bargaining power of suppliers is another market of outputs. When the suppliers of production materials refuse to work with the new company it can lead to production at high cost. Finally, the intensity of competitive rivalry will affect the provision of the new company because advertisement and sales promotion must be done and at a high cost (Simon, 2003).

There some factors which may hinder the penetration of the company. The climate of the region might affect the production of the products, because it can take time for adoption. There issues of insecurity in the region and this can result to loss caused by steeling of products or money and other materials. The foreign exchange can also become a risk because the exchange rate may vary resulting to loss since the manufacturing cost may differ from the selling cost. Heladiv has an objective of working hard with integrity, and the strategies applied in expansion of the business will enable it to achieve the best in the market and out way other providers of the products (Amos, 2003).

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The purpose of business an operating is to make a profit and expand in the market and all companies work towards become the top providers of products. Business has competition, and all services and goods providers’ works towards competing with each other to emerge the best in the market. The expansion of market leads to extra pull of capital. The expansion of Heladiv will result to extra pull of capital.

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