When we think of rock music, we have different associations, be it Brian Johnson’s baritone on a highway to hell, the four-octave voice of Freddy Mercury, or the high-pitched shriek of Ozzy Osbourne. Whatever your preference is, there’s one thing in common – in our understanding, the vocals and the instruments are inseparable in rock music.
In the following article, we are going to prove quite the opposite! There’s no way good music loses its meaning without lyrics. Since 2000, the genre of instrumental rock has witnessed a breakthrough. After listening to the following music bands, you will also be asking yourself a question, “Do they need a singer at all?”

5. Grails. Deep Politics

The band started their dare musical experiments in 2003, but it wasn’t until 2011 that they reached musical Zen. The album is amazingly versatile – from the soothing sounds reminding of paradise to the beat of the evolving space. Listen to such tracks as All the Colors of The Dark or Corridors of Power to see what we mean.
Each track is unique in its sounding. The listener is charmed by the unpredictable melange of styles.
Deep Politics is a demonstration of the ultimate love of the unknown. Authentic, intriguing, and gripping, the album truly deserves to be on the list of the best rock albums of the 21st century.


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4. Karma to Burn. Almost Heathen

This band’s sounding is totally different from that of Grails. Karma to Burn comprised hard rock musicians. Having started their career in the late 90’s, they won the reputation of a band that had unforgettable live shows and played heavy musical tracks. Their Almost Heathens is just what we needed in the 2000’s when the majority of musicians got a little crazy about techno sound.

3. Pelican. What We All Come to Need

Knowing one’s limits is not something widely associated with rock music. However, these post-metal masters use restraint and subtle skills to their best advantage. Here, you won’t find tracks longer than eight minutes. The musicians don’t waste anyone’s time and right away show how good each track is. Unlike in City of Echoes, you won’t hear heavy hitters. The fact is, What We All Come to Need doesn’t need that. The music is complex, melodic, multi-layered – everything we need to call Pelican a true stellar of the instrumental music.

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2. Explosions In The Sky. The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place

The album released in 2003 proved to have something really good in every track. To get the idea of what the musicians want to say with their album, listen to First Breath after Comma. The album’s peak is Six Days at the Bottom of The Ocean. Actually, it is one of the best tracks in the group’s career.
By the way, some of their tracks have been used in movies. The post-rock sonic pathfinders successfully combine some well-known chops with the pieces we’ve never heard before. Check them out!

1. Mogwai. The Hawk Is Howling

Just like any true artists, these musicians add some ambiguity to their songs to let the listeners come up with their own interpretations. This album released in 2008 is an open-ended story.
Frankly speaking, such compositions' names as I’m Jim Morrison, I’m Dead or The Sun Smells Too Loud offer enough room for creativity. However, their style is no less refreshing. At the same time, one can feel their direction pretty clearly. In other words, this sonic creation is impressive.

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