Custom «Domestic Uses of Relational Technology» Essay Paper
For the past decades, relational technology has been perceived to be the most sufficient domestic data management system in the world and the data management foundation for information processing in the business entity. In order to accomplish the ‘superpower nature’ and meet the rapid technological advancement in the economy, the US government needs to encourage its citizens to appreciate and put into use the relational technology for domestic uses.
One challenge facing the entire economy in the US is the development of effective system in which decision making, by the relevant authority, will be relied on, managing of data resulting from this decision made and the communication of the information derived to the relevant groups (Alagi%u0107, 2001). The complexity and scope of these processes have grown and the inadequacy in pressure sensitivity has become apparent. Individuals need to focus their attention to other income generating activities therefore the use of relational technology will ease the situation. The creation of relational technology database will imply that there is effective communication and data management in the sector.
Relational technology enhances efficient and timely report writing in the organization. Earlier on, the information processing system was based on a huge data access and mainframe systems which were limited to the IT professionals in most of its undertakings. Databases that were available were majorly homegrown, and in order to effectively retrieve data, comprehensive database knowledge was required. In the case where users needed special report, drafting will be done by only the IT specialist. The implementation of the relational technology will minimize these inconveniences in the organization and provide relevant information to the management which will be used in decision making (Alagi%u0107, 2001).
The current change in the economy has fostered for competition in the markets in order to acquire large market share. An organization needs to be competitively advantageous in an attempt to realize its strategic goals. Relational technology has enhanced availability of information to interest groups in the economy so as to satisfactorily market their activities. This is seen by companies producing up-to-date records of its financial statements. Relational technology has introduced the report writers who are user friendly as they entirely rely on SQL in data documentation, that is, the query language which is introduced by the relational technology (Sumathi, 2007). The users of the system will be able to produce their ad hoc queries concerning the database and file the reports effectively and within the stipulated timeframe.
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Simplicity in the operations and presentation of the organizational data is guaranteed. Unlike in the past, organizations were not able to effectively simplify their data for use by both the corporate entity and the non-conversant client concerning the applied techniques. Trends of the organizational operability and the graphical representation of the financial statements are attributed to SQL system in the relational technology. SQL system enhances consistent use of the language in which varied questions concerning the diverse nature of data can be easily asked. SQL functions by analyzing the data provided in a standardized and simpler format; table containing only columns and rows. The simplicity of data documentation, however, came with a severe price. The inherency of the complexity in the relationships between the real world data does not, naturally, fit into the designed columns and rows. Therefore, data produced is usually fragmented into many tables where they are “joined” in order to effectively complete simple operations.
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Therefore, basing on the above facts on the importance of relational technology in the changing US economy, most business organizations will articulate to relational technology in an attempt to be competitively advantage in the economy. As such, management should be technological savvy in its operations and this will be achieved by incorporating the desired relational technology in the organization in order to realize its strategic goal and objectives.
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