How to Write a Personal Experience Essay

Everyone wants to write a successful essay; however, not all of us know how to realize it in practice. You should know some key points that will ease the process of essay writing before creating a personal essay. This article is a guide on how to write a successful personal experience essay.

The main aim of this kind of essay is to share your life experience and unfortunately, many students have problems with it. Moreover, it is difficult for them to write such masterpiece because it focuses not only on their life experience but also on its importance and the impact on their life.

The structure of a personal experience essay is similar to the outlines of other essays. Start your paper with the introduction, then the body, and the ending (in this part you can sum up the points of your essay). It will be great if you can describe everything (events, situations, or experiences) in the chronological order (try to present your points as they happened).

If you want to write a perfect essay, choose the key experience and base the whole essay upon it. To make an essay exciting, describe an event that has an effect on your development. It can be something that radically changed your point of view or the way you lived before.


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Do not think that you have no appropriate options to share because there should be something that influences your development. Look for some events and experience in your life, and you will have a perfect story for starting your personal experience essay. It does not matter what theme you choose to write, and furthermore, you should remember that your main purpose is to convey the importance of this story to the readers. Your story should be detailed so the readers can have an opportunity to understand why that experience is so important for you. Give a lot of details about the situation and let the readers gain the meaning of your specific experience. After reading, they should understand why this event is remarkable for you.

A personal experience essay is not so hard to write because you can choose your own style of composing that gives you a freedom of choice in writing the essay. The main feature of the essay style is making the right conditions to convey the story to the audience in the most effective manner.

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Do not make the essay too general. General statements can distract your readers’ attention from the main part of the essay. It will be better if you make it closer to the event. The body should contain only appropriate details and be well thought-out. Without deep insight into details, your essay will be lifeless.

Try to describe your feelings, thoughts, and actions. Write about what you are thinking and doing. Finish the essay by showing how the experience influences on you.

A personal experience essay is an example of your readiness for the future career.

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