A Sample Essay on Road Safety

The main goal of writing an essay on road safety is to make people aware of the danger that can await them on the roads. Most importantly, this topic is really crucial to investigate and write about as many people die on the roads more and more frequently. When writing an essay on road safety, you should not only clarify the main aspects of this topical issue but also come up with certain measures that can increase safety on roads.

Traffic security is of great significance to maintain safety on the roads. It comprises a variety of measures that are aimed at reducing the number of injuries and road fatalities. Moreover, road safety depends on certain conditions of each state and defines the living standards in different countries. As such, the issue of road security is a versatile problem that comprises different levels that refer to its numerous aspects.

First and foremost, it is necessary to provide a list of the key participants of the road traffic that have a direct influence on road security and that can become victims of road accidents in many cases. These are the following:

  • bikers
  • cyclists
  • drivers
  • passengers
  • pedestrians

Secondly, it is vital for people to realize that the issue of road security should be resolved not only by the state and government authorities but also by numerous organizations operating internationally. The issue of road safety is regarded as one of the most important problems worldwide. In the modern epoch of technological advancements, the number of different types of transport (such as cars, motorbikes, and bicycles) is rapidly increasing, thus leading to the increasing number of fatalities. Therefore, citizens of all states in the world should be well educated in road safety principles.


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Perpetrators who are to blame for the road accidents are definitely those who neglect road safety rules and are inattentive. Therefore, it is possible to ensure the higher levels of road safety by decreasing drivers’ chances to make errors and teaching pedestrians to be more attentive on the roads and not to be distracted by their gadgets. Moreover, by implementing traffic rules, it becomes possible to educate people (drivers in particular) in the proper usage of airbags, seatbelts, crash avoidance equipment, and other drivers’ assistance programs. All in all, both pedestrians and drivers are to follow safety rules as they should realize that the actions of one person have a direct influence on the actions and lives of other people.

Furthermore, the levels of traffic safety in each state are determined by the numerous aspects of administrative actions. In particular, one of the most significant roles in maintaining appropriate state of the traffic is played by the police service. The police have to closely supervise the situations on the roads while considering weather conditions in each country.

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All in all, traffic safety is one of the crucial aspects when it comes to maintaining safety in the society. This burning issue should be addressed by each authority as people’s lives are a top priority.

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