Custom «Restoration of Campus Sanity» Essay Paper
Emerging trends in our institutions of higher learning have lately elicited mixed reactions. Parents, teachers, Non-governmental organizations, the government itself and other stakeholders have remained bewildered by the current state of events in these institutions. What really happened to these institutions? What additional measures need to be put in place to achieve campus sanity? These are some of the questions we ought to ask ourselves if we need make some progress to finding long term solutions.
The road towards achieving campus sanity is long and requires commitment from all the stakeholders to walk on successfully. Effort should be seen from all corners: lecturers, students, the government, parents, Non-governmental organizations, educationists and the general public. We need not play blame games if we intend to achieve this mission. Attention needs to be focused on the people that are downplaying the mission to achieve campus sanity.
Students need to start evaluating themselves on a personal basis. They should be disciplined and focus on key issues regarding their personal development. They need to understand the reason why they are in school and work towards becoming better. It is paramount that they also understand the future is in their hands and that any deviation from the norm would play a big role in making the country disillusioned and wanting in terms of availability of ready labor. Enough said, students should engage more on profitable activities, sports, debating, politics other just sit down anguishing over what they call their ‘rights’. They should learn effective ways of communicating their views other than opting on leading strikes, vandalizing property and throwing stones. They need to start getting closer to the administration part so that they can communicate anything unusual.
Campus administrators and teachers also need to be keen in the process of their delivery. They should opt for more favorable tactics other than dictatorial and ensure Students are satisfied. Counseling sessions are important and should be made readily available to students. In addition, they should seek to get closer to their students. This will inform them of any issues that need to be addressed before it’s too late. Of importance too is for lecturers to learn to be fair in their dealings such that students will not see them as a hindrance to their academic progress. On the other hand, morality should be upheld such that cases of relationships are not reported between teachers and students. In the past, administrators have often being agents of impunity overindulging in curtailing the freedom of students. Students then result to resistance claiming they want their freedom back. This affects the learning process a great deal.
Disciplinary measures that are sound and rational should be initialized in these institutions. It is important that students be corrected whenever deviations are noted. Such may include suspensions and expulsions though it should be done after careful evaluation. In addition, they need to be told why they were disciplined and advised to correct this in the future. This will promote cordial relations even after the punishments have been given.
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Parents are not to be left behind in this fight. They ought to take up their as parents, guardians and disciplinarians seriously if we are to win this race. It has been common in the past for parents to abdicate their roles assuming other stake holders will support. This has had disastrous effects on the behavior of students with most of them remaining unguided. Some have ended in drugs and substance abuse, crime and other malpractices. Parents are to blame for their negligence.
The government also should help in rationalizing the situation. It is important that it provides an enabling environment to these institutions. It should organize workshops for students and employ qualified counselors for the job. This will see to it that the situation finally improves parents, guardians and disciplinarians seriously if we are to win this race. It has been common in the past for parents to abdicate their roles assuming other stake holders will support. This has had disastrous effects on the behavior of students with most of them remaining unguided. Some have ended in drugs and substance abuse, crime and other malpractices. The parents are to blame for their negligence.
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The government also should help in rationalizing the situation. It is important that it provides an enabling environment to these institutions. It should organize workshops for students and employ qualified counselors for the job. This will see to it that the situation finally improves.
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