Custom «Case Study Paper Assignment: Conflict Solving» Essay Paper
The analysis of the path of human development shows that most conflicts in history have been resolved through armed actions. However, this is not the only and not the most accurate method that can help in finding an agreement between parties. One of the most advanced modern ways of solving conflicts is negotiations. Hence, the case of an armed clash in the territory of Darfur shows that both internal and external factors of this conflict could be resolved through negotiations even though the problem is broad and includes such issues as interethnic, inter-tribal, international, and environmental ones.
On the one hand, the internal factors that influenced the development of the conflict in Sudan had strong effects on various parts of Darfur and the negotiation process during the development of the problem situation. Despite the fact that most people believe that there are many internal conflicts in this part of Africa, only two of them have the most significant impact on the development of the conflict in Darfur. First of all, misunderstandings between tribes pose an enormous obstacle to peace in this part of Sudan. The fact is that the population of these territories is divided into two main types with respect to the lifestyle that they have chosen (Agwai, 2010). On one side of the conflict, there are nomads who move from place to place and do not stay in one part of the country for a long time. At the same time, on the other side of the conflict, there are sedentary communities that try to develop cities in conditions of severe drought and rainy seasons. Thus, constant misunderstandings in the division of territories and resources intensify tense stressfulness between Sudanese people, which creates additional difficulties for solving their problems.
Moreover, ethnic conflicts result in an acute situation of the lack of agreements between members of the community. Historically, any conflicts that arise between tribes could be resolved with the help of a council of tribal elders who are involved in the conflict. Although this method is an archaic form of negotiations that has significantly changed in most developed countries, it has allowed tribes to listen to arguments of each side and ethically solve the problem through its discussion. Subsequently, it has been replaced with state programs that create councils consisting of Arabs mostly. Unfortunately, members of the state apparatus have used their majority and solved most of the conflicts in favor of the representatives of the Arab community (Agwai, 2010).
This way, the conflict has emerged due to an incorrect, unethical, and rude attitude of one of the parties to the negotiations. Therefore, both examples show that the country's internal problems have been escalating due to a failed communication between the parties.
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On the other hand, external factors have also had a considerable impact on the development of conflicts and problem situations in Darfur although some of them have also been positive. First of all, Sudan is a country that is subject to the most severe and uncomfortable for life climate. Often, the air temperature rises to 50 degrees Celsius, while for a few months a year people live under the influence of a constant rainy season (Agwai, 2010). Moreover, most of the country's territories are arid deserts that are not suitable for growing most plant crops and keeping houses in an acceptable condition. In this regard, resources such as territories and water cause many disputes between different communities that are already in conflict due to ethnic and tribal issues. At the same time, most conflicts on this basis result in armed clashes that lead to various crimes against the rights of the humankind. For example, many conflicts include the seizure of villages and violence against women based on race (Loeb, 2015). It causes rejection of the majority of attempts to invite the parties to the negotiating table. Moreover, it affects the consciousness of the young generation of Sudan that has become accustomed to resolving conflicts by brutal actions and can continue doing it in the future (Omeka, n.d.). Thus, the lack of negotiations that could solve the problem of sharing resources adversely affects the conflict.
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Furthermore, an international influence has also been evident with respect to the spread and development of the conflict in Sudan when the situation turned into armed actions. At some point, the UN assessed the development of the situation in Darfur as dangerous to the lives and health of most people and realized that the African Union could not cope with it on its own. In this case, the organization offered assistance to the Union in the form of inviting over 20,000 peacekeepers to settle the conflict and monitor compliance with the peace treaty (Agwai, 2010). Initially, the African Union was skeptical about allowing so many people to enter the Sudanese territory; nevertheless, the UN acted as an experienced negotiator who would be sharing the culture, experience, and opinion of the opposing side. It has allowed them to achieve a common goal and find people able to maintain peace in the country. Subsequently, peacekeepers have faced the insurrection and reluctance of the local population to help them with the creation of a supply chain of resources. However, patience and ethical attitude towards Sudanese citizens have helped the UN improve the situation in the country. In this case, the positive experience of ethical and argumentative negotiations has allowed to positively influence the closure of the conflict.
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Thus, several recommendations can be created based on the above data that could help solve the conflict faster. With regard to the internal problems of Darfur, they are the primary sources for the emergence of more significant issues that are associated with armed clashes. Therefore, these misunderstandings should have been resolved first. In this case, holding honest, equal, and ethical negotiations could be the best way to discuss and solve the problem. At the same time, it should be noted that these negotiations should take into account ethnic composition of both sides and grant them equal voting rights despite the fact that the Arab population is privileged.
Besides, negotiations between tribes should also be conducted and resolved. At present, nomads are irrelevant and are considered to be bandits who steal other people's resources. Nevertheless, an open discussion of the problem could create rules that would regulate the lifestyles of both parties, taking into account their overall contributions to the development of the territories. Regarding external factors, it is impossible to change Sudan's climate since this factor does not depend on public administration. However, creation of resources to clarify forecasts and help victims can become a right solution to the conflict. Moreover, the example of the interaction between the UN and the African Union shows that patience and respect for other culture allow the parties to agree on mutually beneficial cooperation conditions faster. Thus, this analysis shows that despite the scale of this conflict most of its causes could be resolved through negotiations and established communication.
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Overall, despite the fact that the conflict in the Sudan depended on such factors as climate, tribal relations, communication between ethnic groups, and international influence, each of these problems could be resolved more quickly through negotiations. In this case, the analysis shows that to solve most of the problems the negotiations either were not conducted or were conducted in a wrong way, which aggravated the situation. Nevertheless, the UN's actions in relation to the conflict show that communication and respect are the most important elements of cooperation between the parties.
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