A citation is an alphanumeric expression in an abbreviated form (for example [Warne84]) implanted in the body text of an scholarly work. This denotes that the work has been entered in the reference page solely for acknowledging the work of authors. Both the citation along side the related text and bibiliographic insertion represented as a citation. Citation is a kind of intellectual honesty. It attributes unoriginal work or prior work to right sources.It also allows the reader to assess whether the material under reference has the kind of relevance with the researcher’s claims.


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APA is a widely used research paper style for citation. American Psychological Association citation style is used in writing science, psychology and related subject research papers. This format allows authors to insert outside information using schematic text citation. The entire writing style has to be aligned with APA style when using APA citation formatting. The title of the research paper and the page number are written on the top right hand corner of every page. The bibliography page contains necessary information about the sources that has been cited along with the text.

MLA, the Modern Language Association, style that is used for research paper style when writing articles on Social Sciences and Humanities. This writing style is similar to APA. The only difference is in pagination. Last name of the author is written along with the page number on the right hand side top corner. There is also slight difference in the layout of bibliography page where entries differ from that in the APA style.

Harvard, Chicago and Turbian citation formats are some other research paper styles that are used as per instructions of teacher and guide. Content in each styling is almost the same except that the mode of presentation varies. The intention of each styling is to provide enough reference information to authenticate the source from where the information has been collected and utilized in the research paper. The difference lies in the layout of providing citation and references.

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When the option to use any citation for research paper style is left to you then APA style should be your first choice. This is specifically designed for the purpose of providing citation and referencing in research papers in the field of Psychology, Science and connected subject streams. This American Psychological Association style commonly known as APA style is published in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and has similar referencing style as that of Harvard wherein referencing is done within the text giving name of the author and the year of publication separated by a coma and are keyed at the end of the paper to an alphabetical sources listing on a reference page.

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