The requirements for a research paper format are both general and course specific, and students must be certain that they are fully competent in both, no matter what the topic and no matter what the specific research paper format requirements may be. 


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Research Paper Format Requirements

Admittedly, the general requirements for research paper format are relatively similar across academic disciplines. These requirements include:

  • Title Page: Sometimes called the cover page, this includes the title of the paper, the course for which the paper has been written, the author (you) and the professor to whom it is submitted and the date. Actual placement of these items may vary.
  • Abstract: This may or may not be required at the undergraduate level but certainly is for major graduate works. An abstract is generally placed behind the title page and is the summary of the thesis/question and the research conducted.
  • Outline or Table of Contents: Again, this may or may be required dependent upon the length and complexity of the work.
  • The Introduction: This section introduces your topic, your thesis statement, hypothesis and or research question(s)
  • The body: As the meat of your work, the body is usually divided into sections related to the topic and provides the supportive evidence, documentation, data, analysis and/or information that relates to your thesis or research question.
  • The Conclusion: This section wraps up your work, provides your final analysis summation, the implications of your research, and, perhaps, suggestions for future research or questions.

The differences in research paper format can be clearly seen as one studies such works in various disciplines. For example, a political science major may write a paper on the failure of U.S. intervention and goals in Vietnam during the 1960’s. The sections of the body, then, will be divided into clearly defined facets of failed policies and strategies. In a dissertation covering an original study on the effects of differentiated programming for at-risk adolescents, the structure of the body will be quite different, each chapter following the format established for such a dissertation. A literary analysis of a major work, such as Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales may involve sections on the political, social and religious commentary.

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