The Structure of a 5 Paragraph Essay

Introductory Paragraph

In a five paragraph essays, the introduction is the paragraph where you introduce your thesis statement. This serves as a short explanation of what the essay is going to be about, and catches the reader's attention. You must write what is called a transitional 'hook' in the last sentence of the introduction. This entices the reader to continue and move on to the main body paragraphs which follows.


Number of pages

Body – Paragraph One

This paragraph of five paragraph essays will discuss the most important and relevant arguement with examples. If there is a beginning to the research that has been done then this is where you will write about it. The first sentence of this paragraph is known as the 'reverse hook' and it will flow on from the transitional 'hook' that ended the introductory paragraph.

Body – Paragraph Two

The second paragraphs in five paragraph essays are focused on the second most important arguement with examples. If there is only one major arguement then simply continue developing and discussing the subject of the first paragraph. This paragraph will have a transitional 'hook' sentence at the beginning to continue the flow from the first paragraph. This first sentence must also explain the topic of this paragraph which relates to the thesis statement. End the paragraph with another transitional 'hook' to flow into the third paragraph.

Body – Paragraph Three

This third and final paragraph of five paragraph essays should discuss the weakest arguement with examples. If there is not another arguement to be made then you can just continue writing about the previous arguement. Write the subject of the paragraph in the first sentence and like the other paragraphs relate it to the thesis statement. In the final sentence of the paragraph write a transitional 'hook' that shows that it is the final point that you are going to discuss. This will also make a nice transition over to the conclusion.

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Five paragraph essays are concluded with a summary. Rewrite the thesis and the subjects that you wrote about in the previous paragraphs. Make this last paragraph interesting and convincing as it is the finale.

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