There are three ways by which you can comprehend an object, event or matter. These are by listening, reading or observing. Reading an observed scenario is supposed to be most authentic. Observation essay does exactly this. It gives a crystal clear picture of an event or a situation. The writer may write an observation essay on an object which he has observed in great details or he can describe an event in time and place which he wishes to communicate to the readers.


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Observation Essay Writing: How to Do It Properly

Your sensory language must be very sensitive and expressive to write a great observation essay. Your description may be subdivided into points and each point should be elucidated in the most descriptive manner. You may jump from one impression to the other but never leaving cohesion and giving the reader a full account of the object, place or event. If you are keen then you will find that your experiences spontaneously fill into definite slots which make an observation essay. Thereafter, continue the process by taking a detail note of everything lest you might forget about passage of time. Many people keep a note book. They write down full details or some kinds of symbolic notes even if it is midnight and they have a dreaming experience.

Observation essay is analytical and descriptive in nature. You are describing and in that process you are also analyzing each event or characteristic of a place or object. You shall have to enrich you observations with picturesque examples so that reader gets himself involved in a three dimensional world feeling that he is somewhere within the boundary of observation. If you are writing about a rose plant then along with description of its beauty you shall also have to describe the pricking pain of its thorns. We are giving you a sample below to cement your impression about an observation essay.

While describing milk pasteurization and bottling plant, the teacher ordered to place a barrel full of milk before the awestricken students who were hearing the discourse with apt silence. Each student drank his glass of milk without questioning about the purity of the milk. Most of the students were so much impressed by the lecture that they requested their teacher to plan a visit to the nearest milk pasteurization and bottling plant to have a pictorial and live observation. This is the power of a great observation essay.

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You must visit our online custom essay writing service to read blogs and have a critical appraisal of our sample essays. You may even order for custom written original observation essay. They are cheap to buy. You may also give hints of your observations. Our talented professional writers shall be pleased to convert the same into a great observation essay.

You observe and we write your experience.

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