When writing an explanation essay you must cover the following questions: What? When? Where? Who? And how? As long as you provide substancial information to answer all of these, you will submit a well rounded and coherant explanation essay. Also categorizing the subject into questions makes writing the essay a lot easier.

How to Write an Explanation Essay: The Main Points

At the beginning of the explanation essay you must write an introduction. This will explain to the reader why you decided to write about your chosen topic and a short summary of all the features. The introduction will include your thesis statement but will not go into great details as these will be discussed later.


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The main body of the explanation essay must provide evidence and analysis to prove your points and show that you have conducted ample research around the topic. You must show a clear understanding of the subject. The main body will be more than one paragraph and it will expand on your thesis statement. Each statement should be analyzed and evaluated and every point must have substancial evidence to support it. Leave a paragraph for each thesis statement. Remember that the main aim of an explanation essay is to show your knowledge ability in your chosen subject.

The concluding paragraph will sum up all of the points that you have made in the rest of the essay in a subjective manner. It must be logic and precise. Give a concluding sentence that finishes off the essay.

The aim of an explanation essay is to describe the research and explain what the point fo the research was in an easily comprehensible way. As previously stated you should follow these questions in your thesis statement:

  • What/Who?
  • What for?
  • When?
  • How?
  • Why?

Before beginning your explanation essay, make a plan of what you are going to write. Record all of the points that you are going to include in the essay and the order in which you will discuss them. This will not only make writing the essay easier but you also will save a lot of time.

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Buy an Explanation Essay of Superior Quality from Leading Experts

When you have completed the essay, read through it all a few times. If you have a trusted friend or colleague that can also read it this would be very helpful as they may notice mistakes that you did not. If you need help with your explanation essay or any other essay whatsoever, then you can have a custom essay written at MarvelousEssays.com. Cheap, 100% unique and written by expert writers who are specialized in your subject, you can get your essay in in no time, no matter when the deadline is. Buy an essay online at MarvelousEssays.com and you can be sure that it will be to the highest of standards. We also provide a spell checking and plagarizm service which will ensure that the essay that you submit is original and void of any errors.

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